2017 – 2020 MA, Contemporary Arts Practice, Bern University of the Arts, Bern, CH2016 – 2018 MA, Audio-Visual Art Department, Art Academy of Latvia, Riga, LV2008 – 2014 BA/MA, Music Pedagogy, Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, Riga, LV
Solo Performances (selected)
2024 Body Under Mind, PAKT-Bern, PROGR, Center for Cultural Practice, Bern, CH2023 Etudes for Bones & Objects, Performance Open-air St. Gallen festival, St. Gallen, CH2022 Performance within T-Shirt, BANG BANG: translocal hi:stories of performance art, Museum Tinguely, Basel, CH2019 Piece for Clothes and Experimental Voice, The Cameroon International Festival of Performance Art, Yaoundé, CM2019 Piece for Clothes and Experimental Voice, Zoom In - festival for improvised music, Bern, CH2019 Wolf Piece, ACT Performance Festival, Arsenic, Lausanne, CH2018 Music Skin, Internacional performance festival D’Excentricités IX, Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts, Besançon, FR
Collaborative Performances (selected)
2024 Klangfarbe, ensemble KRAN, SOAPBOX 24 - the new music event, PAKT-Bern, Bern, CH2023 Disolving Boundaries, with pianist Ursula Hofmann, Transdisciplinary Festival PAKT mit/with IRMA, IRMA Republik, Worblaufen, CH2023 Two Humans & A Harp, with harpist Mathilde Bernard, Concours Nicati 2023 - Swiss contemporary music competition, Blackbox Kosmos, HSLU Musik, Luzern, CH2023 Two Humans & A Harp, with harpist Mathilde Bernard, La Voirie - Performance & Event Venue Off Space, Biel, CH2023 Two Humans & A Harp, with harpist Mathilde Bernard, Laba Daba - Art and Music festival, Līgatne parish, LV2023 Two Humans & A Harp, with harpist Mathilde Bernard, Starptelpa - performance festival, Art Academy of Latvia/Grand Hall, Riga, LV2023 Two Humans & A Harp, with harpist Mathilde Bernard, Zanis Lipke memorial, Museum, Riga, LV2023 Stille, nichts, sonst nichts, with violinist Mara Probst, singer Oskar Mörth, guitarist Arturo Mariotti, STIO - new and improvised music, Forum Stadtpark, Graz, AT2021 Meeting of Two, with painter Mirko Kircher, Rapid Open-air festival, Bonaduz, CH 2019 The Big Wind Blow, with choreographer Mélanie Gobet, La Fête de la Danse - dance festival, Freiburg, CH
Exhibitions (selected)
2022 Voices and materials of Tropical Rainforest (2019), Audio – visual installation, BANG BANG: translocal hi:stories of performance art, Museum Tinguely, Basel, Switzerland2021 Sound Performances for Clothes and Experimental Voice (2020), Audio – visual installation, Capitale Lumière, Gallery Pierrefontaine-Les-Varans, France2020 Experimental Voice and Curtains (2020), Audio – visual installation, Sound and Ecology - sound art exhibition, GEDOK-Forum Gallery, Karlsruhe, Germany
Grants (selected)
2024 Reserach grant, Body Under Mind, provided by Kultur Stadt Bern, Burgergemeinde Bern, SWISSLOS Kultur Kanton Bern, Gesellschaft zu Schuhmachern, CH2023 Residency research grant, Gesture Vibration, residency Gepard14, provided by Kultur Stadt Bern, Burgergemeinde Bern, SWISSLOS Kultur Kanton Bern, CH2023 Development grant, Etude for Bones & Objects, provided by Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung, Kulturstiftung der GVB, Burgergemeinde Bern, CH2023 Creative Scholarship, Artist development, The State Culture Capital Foundation (VKKF), LV2021 Development grant, Two Humans & a Harp, Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, CH2021 Promoting cultural projects, Two Humans & a Harp, Directorate of Education and Culture Office of Canton Bern, CH2021 Development grant, Experimental forms of musical improvisation, Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, CH 2021 Creative Artist Employment Programme, Artwork Creation and Development, The State Culture Capital Foundation (VKKF), LV2019 Interdisciplinary Research Project, Art and Ecology: Performance Art against Pollution, Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, CH
Residencies (selected)
2024 Gertrude`s Street Theatre, Boxes, with artist Līga Zepa, Riga, LV2023 Kunstraum gepard14, Gesture Vibration, with composer Noel Schmidlin, Bern, CH2022 Art Quarter Budapest, Two Humans and a Harp, with harpist Mathilde Bernard and Hungarian dramaturg Adam Czirak, Budapest, HU2021 Dampfzentrale Bern, Two Humans and a Harp, with harpist Mathilde Bernard, Bern, CH2019 Kunstverein Stadl-predlitz, Open Opera Stadl, with collective, Stadl an der Mur, AT2018 / 2019 Choreographic Laboratory for Young Audience, The Big Wind Blow, with choreographer Melanie Gobet, RESO, Brig & Monthey, CH
Public collections & Publications (selected)
2024 "Recept," in FOOD SEX ART: The Starving Artists' Cookbook, by Paul Lamarre & Melissa P. Wolf, included in the Getty Research Institute (GETTY MUSEUM) archive, Los Angeles, CA.2023 Together Elsewhere, HGK FHNW Mediathek of the Academy of Art and Design, Basel, CH.2023 Two Humans & a Harp, University of Vienna - Archive of the Department for Theatre, Film and Media Studies, Vienna, AT.2022 Sound Performances for Experimental Voice and Cloth, The Performance Chronik Basel, CH.2020 Piece for Performer and Bass Drum - squash, HGK FHNW Mediathek of the Academy of Art and Design, Catalogue, ACTv2.0 by Tabea Lurk, Jürgen Enge, Basel, CH.2021 Music Skin, catalogue D'EXCENTRICITÉ(S) 10 ans de rencontres étudiantes de la performance, Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts, Besançon, FR.2014 Performance Skills of Contemporary Music for Singers, 9th International Young Scientist Conference, edition, Riga, LV.
Lectures, Workshops, Presentations & Artist Talks (selected)
2024 Creating Music Through Movement, workshop with composer Noel Schmodlin, Domicil Lentulus, Bern, CH2022 Costume in Performance, artist`s talk, Bern University of the Arts, Sound Arts “Blocktag Performance”, Bern, CH2022 Sound Performances for Clothes and Experimental Voice, lecture-performance, Fluid Academy: “Maximal Energy, Minimal Time” curated by Valerian Maly, Tinguely Museum, Basel, CH 2021 Clothing in The Moving Image, guest artist, Costume Design seminar by professor, designer Lisa Meier, Berlin University of the Arts, Berlin, DE2020 Intimate Space, artist`s talk, Toolbox “Urban Nights”, professor Andrea Gohl, Lisa Meier, Bern University of the Arts, Bern, Switzerland 2020 Title Indexation and Graphic Scores, artist`s talk, festival “EQUINOX”, in discussion with artist Florian Feigl, PROGR, Center for Cultural Practice, Bern, CH2020 The Imitation of Sound in Experimental Voice and Composition, lecture-performance, “music-go-round#1” BIOTOPE, PROGR, Center for Cultural Practice, Bern, CH
2017 – 2020 MA, Contemporary Arts Practice, Bern University of the Arts, Bern, CH2016 – 2018 MA, Audio-Visual Art Department, Art Academy of Latvia, Riga, LV2008 – 2014 BA/MA, Music Pedagogy, Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, Riga, LV
Solo Performances (selected)
2024 Body Under Mind, PAKT-Bern, PROGR, Center for Cultural Practice, Bern, CH2023 Etudes for Bones & Objects, Performance Open-air St. Gallen festival, St. Gallen, CH2022 Performance within T-Shirt, BANG BANG: translocal hi:stories of performance art, Museum Tinguely, Basel, CH2019 Piece for Clothes and Experimental Voice, The Cameroon International Festival of Performance Art, Yaoundé, CM2019 Piece for Clothes and Experimental Voice, Zoom In - festival for improvised music, Bern, CH2019 Wolf Piece, ACT Performance Festival, Arsenic, Lausanne, CH2018 Music Skin, Internacional performance festival D’Excentricités IX, Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts, Besançon, FR
Collaborative Performances (selected)
2024 Klangfarbe, ensemble KRAN, SOAPBOX 24 - the new music event, PAKT-Bern, Bern, CH2023 Disolving Boundaries, with pianist Ursula Hofmann, Transdisciplinary Festival PAKT mit/with IRMA, IRMA Republik, Worblaufen, CH2023 Two Humans & A Harp, with harpist Mathilde Bernard, Concours Nicati 2023 - Swiss contemporary music competition, Blackbox Kosmos, HSLU Musik, Luzern, CH2023 Two Humans & A Harp, with harpist Mathilde Bernard, La Voirie - Performance & Event Venue Off Space, Biel, CH2023 Two Humans & A Harp, with harpist Mathilde Bernard, Laba Daba - Art and Music festival, Līgatne parish, LV2023 Two Humans & A Harp, with harpist Mathilde Bernard, Starptelpa - performance festival, Art Academy of Latvia/Grand Hall, Riga, LV2023 Two Humans & A Harp, with harpist Mathilde Bernard, Zanis Lipke memorial, Museum, Riga, LV2023 Stille, nichts, sonst nichts, with violinist Mara Probst, singer Oskar Mörth, guitarist Arturo Mariotti, STIO - new and improvised music, Forum Stadtpark, Graz, AT2021 Meeting of Two, with painter Mirko Kircher, Rapid Open-air festival, Bonaduz, CH 2019 The Big Wind Blow, with choreographer Mélanie Gobet, La Fête de la Danse - dance festival, Freiburg, CH
Exhibitions (selected)
2022 Voices and materials of Tropical Rainforest (2019), Audio – visual installation, BANG BANG: translocal hi:stories of performance art, Museum Tinguely, Basel, Switzerland2021 Sound Performances for Clothes and Experimental Voice (2020), Audio – visual installation, Capitale Lumière, Gallery Pierrefontaine-Les-Varans, France2020 Experimental Voice and Curtains (2020), Audio – visual installation, Sound and Ecology - sound art exhibition, GEDOK-Forum Gallery, Karlsruhe, Germany
Grants (selected)
2024 Reserach grant, Body Under Mind, provided by Kultur Stadt Bern, Burgergemeinde Bern, SWISSLOS Kultur Kanton Bern, Gesellschaft zu Schuhmachern, CH2023 Residency research grant, Gesture Vibration, residency Gepard14, provided by Kultur Stadt Bern, Burgergemeinde Bern, SWISSLOS Kultur Kanton Bern, CH2023 Development grant, Etude for Bones & Objects, provided by Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung, Kulturstiftung der GVB, Burgergemeinde Bern, CH2023 Creative Scholarship, Artist development, The State Culture Capital Foundation (VKKF), LV2021 Development grant, Two Humans & a Harp, Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, CH2021 Promoting cultural projects, Two Humans & a Harp, Directorate of Education and Culture Office of Canton Bern, CH2021 Development grant, Experimental forms of musical improvisation, Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, CH 2021 Creative Artist Employment Programme, Artwork Creation and Development, The State Culture Capital Foundation (VKKF), LV2019 Interdisciplinary Research Project, Art and Ecology: Performance Art against Pollution, Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, CH
Residencies (selected)
2024 Gertrude`s Street Theatre, Boxes, with artist Līga Zepa, Riga, LV2023 Kunstraum gepard14, Gesture Vibration, with composer Noel Schmidlin, Bern, CH2022 Art Quarter Budapest, Two Humans and a Harp, with harpist Mathilde Bernard and Hungarian dramaturg Adam Czirak, Budapest, HU2021 Dampfzentrale Bern, Two Humans and a Harp, with harpist Mathilde Bernard, Bern, CH2019 Kunstverein Stadl-predlitz, Open Opera Stadl, with collective, Stadl an der Mur, AT2018 / 2019 Choreographic Laboratory for Young Audience, The Big Wind Blow, with choreographer Melanie Gobet, RESO, Brig & Monthey, CH
Public collections & Publications (selected)
2024 "Recept," in FOOD SEX ART: The Starving Artists' Cookbook, by Paul Lamarre & Melissa P. Wolf, included in the Getty Research Institute (GETTY MUSEUM) archive, Los Angeles, CA.2023 Together Elsewhere, HGK FHNW Mediathek of the Academy of Art and Design, Basel, CH.2023 Two Humans & a Harp, University of Vienna - Archive of the Department for Theatre, Film and Media Studies, Vienna, AT.2022 Sound Performances for Experimental Voice and Cloth, The Performance Chronik Basel, CH.2020 Piece for Performer and Bass Drum - squash, HGK FHNW Mediathek of the Academy of Art and Design, Catalogue, ACTv2.0 by Tabea Lurk, Jürgen Enge, Basel, CH.2021 Music Skin, catalogue D'EXCENTRICITÉ(S) 10 ans de rencontres étudiantes de la performance, Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts, Besançon, FR.2014 Performance Skills of Contemporary Music for Singers, 9th International Young Scientist Conference, edition, Riga, LV.
Lectures, Workshops, Presentations & Artist Talks (selected)
2024 Creating Music Through Movement, workshop with composer Noel Schmodlin, Domicil Lentulus, Bern, CH2022 Costume in Performance, artist`s talk, Bern University of the Arts, Sound Arts “Blocktag Performance”, Bern, CH2022 Sound Performances for Clothes and Experimental Voice, lecture-performance, Fluid Academy: “Maximal Energy, Minimal Time” curated by Valerian Maly, Tinguely Museum, Basel, CH 2021 Clothing in The Moving Image, guest artist, Costume Design seminar by professor, designer Lisa Meier, Berlin University of the Arts, Berlin, DE2020 Intimate Space, artist`s talk, Toolbox “Urban Nights”, professor Andrea Gohl, Lisa Meier, Bern University of the Arts, Bern, Switzerland 2020 Title Indexation and Graphic Scores, artist`s talk, festival “EQUINOX”, in discussion with artist Florian Feigl, PROGR, Center for Cultural Practice, Bern, CH2020 The Imitation of Sound in Experimental Voice and Composition, lecture-performance, “music-go-round#1” BIOTOPE, PROGR, Center for Cultural Practice, Bern, CH